vibration plane

美 [vaɪˈbreɪʃn pleɪn]英 [vaɪˈbreɪʃn pleɪn]
  • 网络振动面
vibration planevibration plane
  1. The Design of a New Type Grain Lateral Vibration Plane Screen


  2. Simulation of Discrete Element of Particles Motion on the Vibration Plane


  3. The Dynamics Simulation Analysis on Grain Lateral Vibration Plane Screen


  4. A Solution of Vibration Plane in Electronic Equipment Architecture


  5. Research and Analysis on Vibration Plane of Foucault Pendulum


  6. This paper designed a new grain lateral vibration plane screen on the basis of analyzing the current grain-cleaning machine .


  7. The analytic method for the free vibration of plane frame structure is presented .


  8. The motor based on the vibration in plane of the rectangular plate .


  9. Study on the linear ultrasonic motor based on the vibration in plane of the rectangular plate


  10. Finally , the method of elastic bearing beam is applied to the modal analysis of bending vibration of plane rigid frame and a good result is acquired .


  11. Higher Order Element for Free Vibration Analysis of Plane Stress Structures


  12. By applying Timoshenko 's beam theory , this paper analyses the vibration of a plane frame .


  13. The Method of Transfer Matrix on Statics and Free Vibration Analyses of Plane Frame with the Branch Structure


  14. The boundary element method for solution to dynamic response of vibration foundation in plane , elastic domains is presented .


  15. Free vibration problems in plane compressed orthotropic rectangular thin plates on two parameter elastic foundation can be solved in two cases .


  16. The translation-torsion coupled effects and the vibration in the plane should be considered in analysis of structure with large base and muti-towers .


  17. Applying this method , we can only require the lower order 's calculation of matrix and determinant to make the analysis of vibration for the plane link mechanism .


  18. This paper discusses the elastic vibration of the plane six-bar rapier driving mechanism for a rigid-rapier loom in kineto-elastodynamics the-eory .


  19. Simplifies the spatial frame structures to plane frame structures , analyses theirs free vibration characters in plane and theirs time history response that are subjected to the horizontal and vertical seismic excitation at the same time .


  20. The Analysis of Wind-induced Vibration Response of the Plane Beam String Structure


  21. An Analysis on Vibration of Engine Installation Plane


  22. Film vibration measurement using image plane hologram and time-average method


  23. A new optical method of film vibration measurement using image plane hologram and time-average method is presented .


  24. An Application of ESPI in Small-Amplitude Vibration Measurement for a Plane


  25. Vibration Analysis for Flat Plane Loudspeaker


  26. Halo 46 ° and disc halo 22 ° are refractive ones , mainly characterized by vibration parallel to incident plane .


  27. Rainbow , false solar circle and solar column are reflective polorization , mainly characterized by vibration verticle to incident plane .


  28. It is found that the ratio between the amplitude of the light vibration parallel to the plane of incidence and the one normal to the plane of incidence in the reflected light is not symmetrical about Brewster angle .


  29. The vibration of the vessel induced by sea waves generates forced vibration of the pipeline in the vertical plane , and possibly gives rise to dynamic instability and generates parametric vibration off the plane .


  30. At the same time we analyzed the contribution of all modes to the wind-induced vibration by the strain energy of every mode and obtained the conclusion that the dynamic vibration of the single-layer plane cable net structure is mainly decided by the fist mode under fluctuating wind .
